DEADLINE: Alicia Patterson Journalism Fellowships

Event Date: 
November 1, 2024

The Alicia Patterson Foundation awards grants of $40,000 for twelve months and $20,000 for six months (must cover your travel and research costs) to working journalists to pursue independent projects of significant interest and to write articles based on their investigations for The APF Reporter.

The Alicia Patterson Journalism Fellowships are open only to U.S. citizens who are full-time print journalists, or to non-U.S. citizens who work full-time for U.S. print publications, either in America or abroad. Includes reporters, writers, editors and photographers. Must have five years of professional print experience, not necessarily consecutive. Full-time freelancers are welcome.

Applications are accepted beginning every June 1; early submissions are much appreciated. Fellowships begin Jan 1, Feb 1 or Mar 1, depending on fellows' schedules. Deadline: Nov 1 annually. 

Note: An additional fellow specializing in either science or environmental journalism will be added. This fellow will be designated as a Cissy Patterson fellow, in honor of Alicia's aunt, the publisher Cissy Patterson. No special application is needed. All fellows applying for the Alicia Patterson fellowship and applications that deal with science or the environment will be considered for this additional fellowship. Science and environmental topics will continue to be awarded Alicia Patterson fellowships.


Event Details

Washington, DC