Other Events

September 28, 2022

Media Briefing: Going Beyond Carbon – Community Impact of High-Quality Offset Projects

This online media briefing is moderated by Nick Nuttall, formerly of UNEP and UNFCCC. Learn about and discuss with global climate leaders how high-quality carbon credits provide benefits beyond emissions reductions – including biodiversity and habitat conservation, improved health and livelihoods, and more. 10am ET.

September 28, 2022

SEJ Webinar: Covering Climate Solutions — Indigenous Communities and Nature-Based Approaches

SEJ's Sep 28, 2022 webinar was a discussion on how Indigenous peoples practiced "sustainable management" efforts long before modern society began talking about conservation, environmental protection or climate change and how their voices can greatly enrich environmental reporting — while enhancing the health of both people and ecosystems. Missed it? Watch the recording.

October 20, 2022 to October 21, 2022

IRE DBEI Symposium

Investigative Reporters and Editors' second-annual online symposium, over two half days, will focus on diversity, belonging, equity and inclusion (DBEI) issues for newsrooms. Fellowships available; apply by Sep 23. SEJ is hosting a panel, "The work of environmental journalists of color in reframing the beat," on Oct 21.

Topics on the Beat: 
September 20, 2022 to September 23, 2022

Clean Energy Justice (CEJ) Convergence

More than 45 organizations will come together in Pittsburgh to stand in solidarity with people around the world working to advance truly clean energy justice. CEJ will spotlight Indigenous leaders from the Lummi Nation and frontline community activists from SW Pennsylvania, the Pacific Northwest and the Gulf Coast.

September 9, 2022

Sustain What? Telling Stories With Graphics

Watch the recording of Dale Willman (Columbia Climate School’s Resilience Media Project) having a discussion with graphics editor Mira Rojanasakul of the New York Times, who designed the Aug 12, 2022 article "The Coming California Megastorm." 1:00 p.m. ET.

Topics on the Beat: 
September 15, 2022

Methane Removal: On the Critical Path to Reducing Peak Global Temperatures

Sponsored by the NGO Methane Action, this webinar features leading experts in the science and governance of methane removal, presenting and answering your questions on how methane removal technologies work, what they can accomplish, and how to realize their game-changing potential quickly. 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET.

Topics on the Beat: 
September 21, 2022

Ocean Encounters: Heatwaves! Extreme Heat on Land — and in the Ocean

Join the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for the next installment in its virtual Ocean Encounters series. Speakers will discuss the links between the atmosphere and ocean, why heat waves are on the rise and what it means for our ocean planet. 7:30-8:30 p.m. ET.

October 7, 2022

Virtual Workshop on the Human Cost of Climate Change

Climate change impacts have begun to promote large-scale human migration to more hospitable areas, a trend set to accelerate. The University of Michigan's Graham Sustainability Institute presents a workshop with interdisciplinary scholars and practitioners who'll share knowledge and discuss the issues. 9:00 a.m. - Noon ET.

September 22, 2022

SciLine Media Briefing: The Lasting Toll of Hurricanes on Communities

SciLine will host a briefing for reporters on the long-term toll of hurricanes on community services and infrastructure. Three experts will discuss the lasting effects of disruptions to municipal services, as well as sustained impacts on housing and schools in the months and years after a storm. 3:00-4:00 p.m. ET.

September 21, 2022

Interview a Scientist – Noise Pollution and Human Health

Reporters can book a 15-min interview with pollution expert Dr. Erica Walker, from the Brown University School of Public Health, between 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET, on the impacts of noise pollution on human health, impact disparities for different demographic groups and steps individuals can take to reduce their exposure to noise pollution.



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