Antarctica & Arctic

Arctic Bogs: Another Global Warming Risk Could Spiral Out of Control

"As warming brings earlier spring rains in the Arctic, more permafrost thaws, releasing more methane in a difficult-to-stop feedback loop, research shows."

"Increasing spring rains in the Arctic could double the increase in methane emissions from the region by hastening the rate of thawing in permafrost, new research suggests.

Source: InsideClimate News, 02/22/2019

"Arctic: Soot On Snow Speeds Up Warming. Here's Where It Comes From"

"Human emissions of greenhouse gases are driving rapid warming all over the globe — particularly in the Arctic, where temperatures are rising at about twice the global rate. But there's another form of carbon in the atmosphere that may also be playing a role."

Source: ClimateWire, 02/18/2019

"Antarctic Ice Melting 6 Times Faster Than It Did In '80s"

"The ice in Antarctica is melting six times faster than it did just 40 years ago, a new study reports.

This dramatic acceleration of the ice loss is a clear indication of human-caused climate change, the study authors said.

Lead author Eric Rignot, an ice scientist at the University of California–Irvine, said the melting ice has caused global sea levels to rise more than half an inch since 1979.  

While that may not sound like much, the amount is certainly alarming to climate scientists, as it's a preview of things to come:"

Source: USA TODAY, 01/15/2019

Bear Stories Should Go Beyond Bare Facts

Bears, particularly the plentiful black bears that are the source of much human-bear conflict, can serve as a opening to larger environmental stories, such as habitat destruction and the challenges of the “wildland-urban interface.” This week’s TipSheet has some of the good news/bad news on bears, with story ideas and resources for your reporting.

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"Is Warming Bringing a Wave of New Diseases to Arctic Wildlife?"

"Rapid warming and vanishing sea ice in the Arctic has enabled new species, from humpback whales to white-tailed deer, to spread northward. Scientists are increasingly concerned that some of these new arrivals may be bringing dangerous pathogens that could disrupt the region’s fragile ecosystems."

Source: YaleE360, 11/08/2018

How Others Are Practicing Multimedia

As part of SEJournal's new EJ InSight column, a quarterly section that will explore the range of photojournalism, videography, information graphics and data visualization for environmental journalism, read a short piece on how print environmental journalists are experimenting with photography.

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