
One Million Cambodians Under Threat From Development Of Vital Wetlands

"The destruction of critically-important wetlands by politically-connected developers in Cambodia threatens to flood more than one million Phnom Penh residents, ruin the city’s wastewater system, force hundreds of families from their homes, and trigger environmental devastation, a new report has warned."

Source: Guardian, 07/27/2020

“Flight Lines: Across the Globe on a Journey With the Astonishing Ultramarathon Birds”

Weighing in at little more than a couple of pats of butter, the remarkable grey plover undergoes an epic migration of thousands of miles. A new volume captures the wonder of this tiny shorebird, as well as worries over its rapidly declining numbers and possible extinction. Melody Kemp reviews “Flight Lines” in this month’s BookShelf.

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July 14, 2020

Taiwan: Its Role in WHO, China and Global Policy

Join International Community Radio Taipei for a virtual discussion (English language) on how Taiwan has moved from a dictatorship to a democracy with freedom of press, speech and assembly; how Taiwan fits in with the international fight against COVID-19; how the people and government in Taiwan are reacting to the crackdown on civic freedoms in Hong Kong; and the importance of Taiwan's relations with the United States and China.


Environmental Catastrophe Declared In Massive Arctic Tundra Oil Spill

"Large territories of rivers, streams and tundra lands are covered by more than 20 thousands tons of diesel oil from a reservoir owned by company Nornickel. The catastrophe was reported to the authorities only two days after the spill and nobody really knows how to clean up."

Source: Barents Observer, 06/05/2020

Half Million Evacuated As India, Bangladesh Brace For Super Cyclone

"India and Bangladesh evacuated around half a million people out of the way of the most powerful storm in a decade ahead of its landfall on Wednesday amid fears of heavy damage to houses and crops and disruption of road, rail and power links."

Source: Reuters, 05/20/2020

“Choked: Life and Breath in the Age of Air Pollution”

To better grasp how COVID-19 is linked to the persistent problem of polluted air, our latest BookShelf review recommends going back to a prescient text, “Choked: Life and Breath in the Age of Air Pollution.” While the volume predates the pandemic, it makes painfully clear why, during this crisis, healthy air matters more than ever.

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