
China Still Adding Coal Plants It Pledged to Curb: Greenpeace

"The Chinese government is trying to slow down the approval of new coal-fired power plants because of overcapacity, but projects already in the pipeline, as well as loopholes in policy, mean China is on track to add an average of one new coal-fired plant a week until 2020, according to a report released on Wednesday by Greenpeace East Asia."

Source: NY Times, 07/14/2016

"Mass Fish Deaths in Vietnam Highlight Country’s Press Freedom Problem"

"The stink from Vietnam’s fish kill scandal — which left some 70 tons of dead fish scattered across the beaches of four of the country’s provinces and fishermen out of work — is symptomatic of something greater than worries about food security and the environment: access to information and the ability to distribute it."

Source: Huffington Post, 07/04/2016


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