
August 25, 2014

DEADLINE: China Now: Entrepreneurship and More 2014

The National Press Foundation and Fudan University are collaborating to offer a 10-day, all-expenses-paid fellowship in Shanghai, China for U.S. journalists, Nov 13-22, 2014. Meet with scholars, business leaders and Chinese journalists in and around Shanghai to explore issues such as China’s globalizing economy; air and water pollution and the growth of “green” industry; the impact of an aging population; and more. Apply by Aug 25th.


"In China, 64 Percent Say They Are Environmentalists -- Report"

"The survey by Dutch research agency Motivaction said in China, where public anger has mounted over hazardous levels of pollution in towns and cities, environmentalists had a greater sense of urgency about action needed to tackle the problem than Western counterparts, where the financial crisis has knocked environmental policy down the political agenda."

Source: Reuters, 05/08/2014


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