
"Canada Oil Sands Air Pollution 20-64 Times Worse Than Industry Says: Study"

"The amount of air pollution coming from Canada’s oil sands extraction is between 20 to 64 times higher than industry-reported figures, according to a groundbreaking study. Researchers found that the total amount of air pollution released from the oil sands is equal to all other human-caused air pollution sources in Canada combined."

Source: Mongabay, 05/21/2024

Drought Fuels Wildfire Concerns As Canada Braces For Another Intense Summer

"As widespread drought raises expectations for a repeat of last year’s ferocious wildfire season, response teams across Canada are grappling with the rapidly changing face of fire in a warming climate."

Source: Yale Climate Connections, 05/13/2024
July 17, 2024

DEADLINE: Banff Centre's Adventure Filmmakers Workshop

This Banff Centre workshop, Oct 25-Nov 3, 2024, provides the opportunity for independent and emerging filmmakers to turn projects into reality, guided by two of the world’s premier adventure filmmakers. Deadline: Jul 17, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 
July 17, 2024

DEADLINE: Banff Centre's Mountain Writers Intensive

The Banff Centre's Mountain Writers Intensive, Oct 23-Nov 12, 2024, offers writers an opportunity to work on mountain, landscape or environmentally themed writing projects, under the guidance of two celebrated faculty. Deadline: Jul 17, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 

US Agrees With Native American Tribe That Line 5 Pipeline Is Trespassing

"The Biden administration straddled the line on a controversial Canadian oil pipeline in a court filing Wednesday, saying a lower court’s order to drain portions running through tribal land may violate a 1977 treaty but agreeing with a Native American tribe that the operator is trespassing on tribal land."

Source: The Hill, 04/11/2024


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