
February 23, 2023

Webinar: Journalist Briefing on the Climate-Development Nexus — Supporting Local Stories with Global Data

Drawdown Lift, a program of US NGO Project Drawdown, is hosting a briefing for reporters who cover the climate-development nexus in Africa and South Asia, including discussion of their report examining climate mitigation solutions that co-benefit humans and climate adaptation in low- and middle-income countries. 7am ET.


Koalas, Under Pressure From Wildfires and Development, Are Beloved But Undefended

The cuteness of the fuzzy koala appears not to be winning it special protection in its native Australia, despite dwindling numbers, per a new volume on the endangered marsupial. BookShelf contributor Melody Kemp offers praise for “Koala: A Natural History and an Uncertain Future,” with a review that begins amusingly with bodily functions but ends dispiritedly with yet more koala habitat lost to housing tracts and wildfire.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Eco-Muckrakers, Dig In — Writing for Nonprofit Ecology and Conservation Magazines

Freelancers looking to explore complex environmental issues may want to consider magazines published by … environmental organizations. Despite the caveats, like ensuring a publication’s editorial independence and guarding against organizational self-promotion, long-time environmental writer Francesca Lyman makes the case in the latest Freelance Files that the pros of such gigs outweigh the cons. Plus a sampler of pubs to approach.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

"Report: Companies’ Climate Targets Not What They Claim To Be"

"Climate commitments by companies aren’t always as green as they seem. A new report concludes major brands are exaggerating how ambitious their efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions are — in effect misleading consumers, investors and governments."

Source: AP, 02/13/2023
February 22, 2023

WHOI Webinar: Hydrothermal Vents! Exploring Hot Springs on the Deep Seafloor

Join Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to hear what scientists have learned about hydrothermal vents that form in volcanic regions on the ocean bottom and the surprising organisms that thrive there — and what they can teach us about the origins of life on Earth. 7:30-8:30 p.m. ET.

April 22, 2023

ECH 2023 Climate Solutions Symposium: Texas, the Energy Capital of the Planet, Can and Should Lead

The Engineering, Science and Technology Council of Houston (ECH) will host this half-day symposium virtually and in person at the University of Houston Student Center Theater, 1:00-4:00pm, followed by a Meet-and-Greet in the Student Center’s Ballroom, 4:00-5:30pm. $10 cost.



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