
From Venezuela to Iraq to Russia, Oil Price Drops Raise Fears of Unrest

"Oil, the lifeblood of many countries that produce and sell it, appears to be rapidly turning into an ever-cheaper economic curse. A year ago, the international price per barrel of oil was about $103. By Monday, the price was about $42, roughly 6 percent lower than on Friday."

Source: NY Times, 08/25/2015

"Listening To Whale Migration Reveals A Sea Of Noise Pollution, Too"

"Christopher Clark, who directs the bioacoustics research program at Cornell University, is among the world's best scientific listeners. His work has revealed how human-made noise is filling the ocean, making it harder for marine animals to hear their own world. But Clark didn't start out with much interest in whales at all."

Source: NPR, 08/14/2015


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