"The Disaster We’ve Wrought on the World’s Oceans May Be Irrevocable"
"In the great halls of La Boqueria, Barcelona’s central market, tourists, foodies and cooks gather every day to marvel at the fresh food, like pilgrims at the site of a miracle."
"In the great halls of La Boqueria, Barcelona’s central market, tourists, foodies and cooks gather every day to marvel at the fresh food, like pilgrims at the site of a miracle."
"STOUGHTON, Mass. — In a warehouse south of Boston, miles away from the city’s bustling harbor, James Tran, a semiconductor designer, is incubating an unlikely product: shrimp."
"Big plans for the barbecue this July 4th weekend? Scientists are hard at work on your dinner, too. A Climate at Your Doorstep story."
"Plastic seems to be disappearing from the world's oceans, and scientists are not sure why."
"The problem has come into focus as procedures for the first proposed restart enter the home stretch in Ichikikushikino, a town five km (three miles) from Kyushu Electric Power Co's Sendai plant."
"Plastic junk is floating widely on the world's oceans, but there's less of it than expected, a study says."
"El Niño, a tropical-climate phenomenon with a global reach and following, is stirring in the Pacific, although forecasters aren't ready to pronouncing it awake just yet."
"A new census study shows there are more than 2,400 white sharks off California and suggests that existing protective measures should be maintained because they are increasing the size and health of the population."
"Average land and ocean surface temperature for May was highest ever, as 2014 shapes up to potentially be hottest year yet"
"Australia was once a leader on climate action. Thanks to American conservative powerhouses, that's no longer true."