
Charles: 'Climate Change Sceptics Are Turning Earth Into Dying Patient'

"Prince Charles has attacked corporate lobbyists and climate change sceptics for turning the Earth into a 'dying patient', making his most outspoken criticism yet of the world's failure to tackle global warming just when the heir to the throne is assuming a growing number of the duties of what is supposed to be an apolitical monarchy."

Source: Guardian, 05/10/2013
November 15, 2017

DEADLINE: United Nations/Ranan Lurie Political Cartoon Awards

These awards are granted for the best political cartoons reflecting the spirit and the principles of the United Nations. Open to political cartoons printed in any publication published anywhere, in any language. First Prize: $10,000.00; Second Prize: 5,000.00; Third Prize: 3,000.00. Enter by Nov 15, 2017.



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