Alaska and Hawaii

As Climate Change Brings Extreme Heat Events, Human Health Is a Casualty

With heat waves driven by global warming pounding parts of the western United States this summer, environmental journalists mustn’t overlook the toll on especially vulnerable populations, among them disadvantaged groups, the elderly, those in low-income housing and more. The latest Issue Backgrounder helps reporters understand heat’s health effects, track heat-vulnerable populations and clarifies how communities can prepare and prevent the worst public health impacts.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Drilling for Data on Offshore Wells

For reporters covering the long-standing conflict over offshore drilling, which erupted again this month after a federal judge blocked a halt to new leases, an Interior Department database offers a wealth of data about offshore wells. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox walks you through the maze of bureaucracy behind the database, and then provides detailed guidance on how to make the most of its info.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Biden Plans to Restore Alaskan Forest Protections Stripped Under Trump"

"The Biden administration plans to restore environmental protections to Tongass National Forest in Alaska, one of the world’s largest intact temperate rain forests, that had been stripped away by former President Donald J. Trump."

Source: NYTimes, 06/14/2021

Appeals Court Rules Trump Policy Wrongly Denied Protection To Walruses

"A U.S. federal appeals court ruled on Thursday that the Trump administration improperly denied Endangered Species Act protections to Pacific walruses, animals reliant on diminishing Arctic sea ice for survival."

Source: Reuters, 06/04/2021

Biden Aims to End Arctic Drilling. A Trump-Era Law Could Foil His Plans

"President Biden may be forced to hold a new lease sale for oil drilling in the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, despite his vows to slash fossil fuel pollution and his action this week to suspend Arctic drilling leases that had been awarded in the final days of the Trump administration."

Source: NYTimes, 06/03/2021

Biden DOI Suspends Oil And Gas Leases In Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

"The Biden administration on Tuesday suspended oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, targeting one of President Donald Trump’s most significant environmental acts during his last days in office."

Source: Washington Post, 06/02/2021

Biden Officials Condemned For Backing Trump-Era Alaska Drilling Project

"Joe Biden’s administration is facing an onslaught of criticism from environmentalists after opting to defend the approval of a massive oil and gas drilling project in the frigid northern reaches of Alaska."

Source: Guardian, 05/28/2021

"Biden Administration Defends Huge Alaska Oil Drilling Project"

"The Biden administration is defending a huge Trump-era oil and gas project in the North Slope of Alaska designed to produce more than 100,000 barrels of oil a day for the next 30 years, despite President Biden’s pledge to pivot the country away from fossil fuels."

Source: NYTimes, 05/27/2021


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