Alaska and Hawaii

"Planned Wildlife Refuge Rule Seen as Weapon Against Oil"

"An expected new rule promoting biological diversity and environmental health within the National Wildlife Refuge System could be used to discourage oil and gas drilling on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, environmentalists say."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 09/25/2023

To Cover Climate Equity Well, Journalists Must Maintain Mental Health

When climate journalists — especially those confronting various forms of oppression in their own communities — witness environmental destruction and human suffering, the trauma can creep into our psyches. But sometimes our professional stance keeps us from seeing the harm to our mental health. In her new Voices of Environmental Justice column, Yessenia Funes looks at the question head-on, exploring resources and paths to better self-care.

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Water Hookups Come To Alaska Yup’ik Village; Residents Ditch Honey Buckets

"Sanitation workers Thomas Noatak and Joseph Moses start every workday riding a four-wheeler along the muddy roads of this small Yup’ik village on southwestern Alaska’s vast Kuskokwim River, looking for human waste."

Source: AP, 09/11/2023

Alaskan Fishers Fear Bleak Season As Crab Numbers Dwindle In Warming Waters

"Gabriel Prout worked four seasons on his father’s crab boat, the Silver Spray, before joining his two brothers in 2020 to buy a half-interest plus access rights for a snow crab fishery that’s typically the largest and richest in the Bering Sea. Then in 2021, disaster: an annual survey found crabs crashing to an all-time low."

Source: AP, 09/07/2023

"Biden To Cancel ANWR Leases, Expand Arctic Drilling Protections"

"Nearly three years after the Trump administration sold the first-ever oil drilling rights in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the White House Wednesday canceled those leases in a huge blow to pro-oil Alaskans."

Source: E&E News, 09/07/2023

"Locals Have Been Sounding The Alarm For Years About Lahaina Wildfire Risk"

"David woke suddenly in the mid-afternoon. The 56-year-old chef could hear commotion outside and scrambled up from his nap, finding his roommates on the roof of their shared home, holding garden hoses and spraying water on a raging inferno licking closer by the minute."

Source: Grist, 08/21/2023


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