Alaska and Hawaii

"Alaska Fishermen Circle Their Boats To Fight Mine"

"Dillingham, Alaska -- It is an unfortunate coincidence of geography that this lush region of wild rivers, grassy tundra and windy sea is home to two competing treasures of almost unimaginable value: the world's largest sockeye salmon run, supporting a fishery worth $440 million a year; and in the hills behind it, a massive deposit of copper, molybdemum and gold worth at least $300 billion."

Source: LA Times, 08/04/2010
March 11, 2010

Arctic Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning and the Role of the Arctic People

The Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission and the Environmental Law Institute bring together representatives of Arctic communities and federal agencies to begin a national conversation on the rights, traditions, and experiences of the Arctic people; existing co-management practices; competing management imperatives; and how to build from the existing system toward an Arctic marine spatial planning framework.



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