
Monterey Bay Desalination Plant OKd Despite Environmental Injustice Concerns

"In a decision that sheds harsh light on the state’s commitment to environmental justice amid growing drought anxiety, the California Coastal Commission has granted conditional approval to a controversial Monterey Bay desalination project that even the commission’s own staff said would unfairly burden a historically underserved community."

Source: LA Times, 11/21/2022

"‘Momentous:’ US Advances Largest Dam Demolition In History"

"U.S. regulators approved a plan Thursday to demolish four dams on a California river and open up hundreds of miles of salmon habitat that would be the largest dam removal and river restoration project in the world when it goes forward."

Source: AP, 11/18/2022

"US Regulators To Vote On Largest Dam Demolition In History"

"The largest dam demolition and river restoration plan in the world could be close to reality Thursday as U.S. regulators vote on a plan to remove four aging hydro-electric structures, reopening hundreds of miles of California river habitat to imperiled salmon."

Source: AP, 11/17/2022

How Decades of Restoration Reversed Collapse of California’s Mono Lake

"Stream rehabilitation and limits on water diversions saved a crucial feeding stop for migratory birds. The lake is now an inspiration for efforts to heal degraded and warming ecosystems around the world."

"LEE VINING, Calif.—When Rose Nelson camped along lower Rush Creek in the summer of 2017, the water was flowing as high and fast as anyone could remember. The rumble and roar of the creek, she said, was the joyful sound of nature healing.

Source: Inside Climate News, 10/31/2022

Whale Injuries From Drift Gillnets Off California Spark Lawsuit Against US

"Environmentalists on Thursday sued the agency overseeing U.S. fisheries, claiming it had failed to protect endangered humpback whales from entanglement in drift gillnets - sprawling curtains of nylon mesh - used in commercial fishing off California."

Source: Reuters, 10/28/2022

As Drought Raises, Millions Of Californians Struggle To Pay For Water

"Several months ago, Rosario Rodriguez faced a financial dilemma that has become all too common for millions of drought-weary Californians — either pay the electric bill, which had skyrocketed to about $300 during a scorching summer in western Fresno County, or pay the $220 combined water, sewer and trash bill."

Source: LA Times, 10/27/2022


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