Great Lakes (IL IN MI MN OH WI)

Michigan Evacuates 10,000+ As Flood Breaches Dams Near Dow Superfund Site

"Urging residents to evacuate and saying downtown Midland could be under 9 feet of water by Wednesday afternoon, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer late Tuesday declared a state of emergency for Midland County after the Edenville and Sanford dams breached."

Source: Detroit Free Press, 05/20/2020

"Pandemic Costs May Dry Up Ohio’s Plan to Fight Lake Erie Algae"

"The coronavirus pandemic is endangering a $900 million program that underpins Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine’s long-term strategy for shrinking the annual massive toxic algae blooms in Lake Erie’s western basin."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 05/11/2020

"New Lawsuit Over Twin Metals Mineral Leases"

"Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness and nine outdoor businesses have filed a second lawsuit over the two minerals leases reissued to Twin Metals Minnesota last year." "It's the coalition's second legal challenge to the lease renewals required for Twin Metals to mine on public land in Superior National Forest."

Source: Minneapolis Star-Tribune, 05/07/2020

Developers Put Plastics Plant in Ohio on Indefinite Hold, Cite Virus

"The developers of a proposed plastics manufacturing plant in Ohio on Friday indefinitely delayed a final decision on whether to proceed, citing economic uncertainties around the coronavirus pandemic."

Source: InsideClimate News, 04/28/2020

"Minnesota Court of Appeals Sends PolyMet Permit Back to MPCA"

"The Minnesota Court of Appeals sent an air-emissions permit for the PolyMet copper-nickel mine back to state regulators for further review on Monday, giving another victory to environmental groups who oppose the project."

Source: AP, 03/24/2020
June 4, 2020 to June 5, 2020

IJNR Workshop: Great Lakes Water Levels

This Institute for Journalism and Natural Resources online workshop will introduce journalists to the new reality — and uncertainty — of Great Lakes water levels. Due to group size limitations, the workshop is open to the first 25 registrants. There is no registration fee.


SEJournal Relaunches WatchDog with a ‘Voice,’ Plus Coronavirus and More

SEJournal welcomes back from hiatus our WatchDog feature, now recast as an opinion column from Joseph A. Davis, Society of Environmental Journalists’ veteran freedom of information advocate and longtime SEJournal contributor. In part one of a two-parter, find out why we’re relaunching the new column, plus get Davis’ take on government openness (or lack thereof) around coronavirus, as well as more on SEJ’s deep commitment to open information and a rundown of its recent FOI activities. And watch for part two next week.

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