Great Lakes (IL IN MI MN OH WI)

January 5, 2017 to January 6, 2017

IJNR's Great Lakes Water Compact Workshop

The Institute for Journalism and Natural Resources will bring a group of journalists to Waukesha, the first U.S. city outside of the Great Lakes watershed to receive permission to withdraw water under the Great Lakes Compact, to see how the city will get water from Lake Michigan, treat it and send it back to the basin while also discussing its bigger-picture impacts. Apply ASAP; space is limited.

Topics on the Beat: 

Michigan Fights Court Order To Deliver Bottled Water To Flint Residents

"The state of Michigan on Thursday challenged a federal court order demanding that officials deliver bottled water to Flint residents who can’t easily pick up their own from distribution sites around the city, calling the requirement 'unnecessary' and saying it would require 'a tremendous expenditure of taxpayer funds.'"

Source: Wash Post, 11/18/2016

IG: EPA Action To Protect Flint Residents From Lead Delayed 7 Months

"The Environmental Protection Agency had the authority and information to issue an emergency order protecting residents of Flint, Mich., from lead-tainted water a full seven months before it did so, an EPA internal investigation has concluded."

Source: NPR, 10/21/2016


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