Mountain West (CO ID MT NV UT WY)

Animal Rights Activist Charged for Video Exposing Cruelty

Reporting on abuse of animals is now officially a crime — at least under Colorado law. Animal-rights activist Taylor Radig was charged after she made public a video showing employees of a Colorado ranch abusing calves. 

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Idaho Power Customers Won't Pay For Coal Pollution Controls ... For Now

"A week after opponents of coal-fired electricity flooded the chambers of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, regulators have denied a bid by Idaho Power to charge its customers $130 million to help implement mandated pollution controls for two of four generators at the Jim Bridger coal plant near Rock Springs, Wyo., where the utility company is part owner."

Source: Boise Weekly, 12/04/2013

"As Oil Floods Plains Towns, Crime Pours In"

"SIDNEY, Mont. -- One cold morning last year, a math teacher jogging through her hometown in eastern Montana was abducted, strangled and buried in a shallow grave. Charged in her death were two drifters from Colorado, drawn to the region by the allure of easy money in the oil fields."

Source: NY Times, 12/02/2013
October 2, 2013

Biodiversity Research Institute Media Event to Launch Largest Ever Loon Study

The loon is a key bioindicator of aquatic integrity for lakes and near shore marine ecosystems. Attend in person at the Jackson Fork Ranch in Bondurant, Wyoming or join the webcast, 11:00 AM MDT. Reporters will be able to ask questions at the conclusion of the presentations.

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