Hurricane Toolkit: Latest Headlines, TipSheets, Backgrounders & More

To help better cover Hurricane Dorian, SEJournal offers a range of resources. Get the latest hurricane headlines, see our Hurricane Toolbox, a Backgrounder on hurricanes and another on infrastructure, and a range of hurricane TipSheets on getting ready, reporting the numbers, storm surge, flooding and flood insurance, dam failures and toxic floodwaters (plus more). Also, an Inside Story on how an SEJ Award-winner looked ahead at prospects of a perfect storm, and a hurricane-inspired student project.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Limits On Scientists’ NC Sea-Level Rise Study Could Be Loosened"

"North Carolina lawmakers’ efforts to limit scientists’ reporting on sea level rise became the butt of jokes back in 2012. Now a decision from that time, the Coastal Resources Commission determination to have its science advisory panel present sea level rise forecasts looking only 30 years ahead, is being reconsidered."

Source: Raleigh News & Observer, 09/04/2019

“Superpower: One Man’s Quest to Transform American Energy”

The new book, “Superpower: One Man’s Quest to Transform American Energy,” takes what our reviewer calls an illuminating look into the politics and economics of energy development. The volume examines the decade-long effort to build long-distance transmission lines for wind-generated electricity. More in our latest BookShelf review.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Sick And Dying Workers Demand Help After Cleaning Coal Ash"

"The Tennessee Valley Authority, long respected for providing good jobs and cheap electricity, is facing a growing backlash over its handling of a massive coal ash spill a decade ago, with potentially serious consequences for an industry often opposed to environmental regulation."

Source: AP, 08/30/2019

Nestlé Plan To Take Water From Florida Natural Springs Sparks Outcry

"Opponents fighting to stop the project say the fragile river cannot sustain such a large draw".

"The crystal blue waters of Ginnie Springs have long been treasured among the string of pearls that line Florida’s picturesque Santa Fe River, a playground for water sports enthusiasts and an ecologically critical haven for the numerous species of turtles that nest on its banks.

Soon, however, it is feared there could be substantially less water flowing through, if a plan by the food and beverage giant Nestlé wins approval.

Source: Guardian, 08/28/2019

Tropical Storm Dorian Could Be Hurricane As It Nears Puerto Rico

"The National Hurricane Center issued a hurricane watch and tropical storm warning for Puerto Rico early Tuesday as Tropical Storm Dorian moved through the Windward Islands. Also early Tuesday, the Dominican Republic government issued a hurricane watch for some parts of the island and a tropical storm watch for portions of its north and south coasts."

Source: CBS/AP, 08/27/2019

"Sea-Level Rise: Island Settled By Slaves Erodes Under Waves And Wealth"

"HOG HAMMOCK, Sapelo Island, Ga. — Everyone was talking about Franny's new double-wide trailer. At the fishing creek. Outside the country store. And at the only bar on this sea-battered island settled by freed slaves 150 years ago."

Source: ClimateWire, 08/26/2019


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