Southwest (AZ NM OK TX)

Urban Forest Projects Address Energy, Health, Education, More

Organizations in IL, NY, and TX received substantial funding from the US Forest Service so they can work on projects related to urban forests. The products and efforts are available for use by others around the country, making them of interest to any journalist covering urban environmental or health issues.

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Topics on the Beat: 

Texas Board Weighing How To Deal With Climate Change in Water Plan

"When state officials published the last Texas State Water Plan five years ago, they conspicuously and controversially chose not to factor man-made global warming into their planning.

Now, with just four months to go until the Texas Water Development Board is required to adopt an updated rendition of the comprehensive water-supply blueprint for the state, the agency is still deciding how to address human-caused climate change, the board chairman told a Houston audience recently."

Source: Texas Climate News, 09/01/2011

Projects in 6 States Selected To Help Pioneer 3 Biofuels

USDA continues to expand its Biomass Crop Assistance Program that provides financial incentives for producers of various biomass products with the latest selected project areas for growing camelina in CA, OR, WA, and MT, poplar trees in OR, and switchgrass in KS and OK.

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Topics on the Beat: 

FWS Proposes To Expand Hunting at 10 Wildlife Refuges

Hunting, under certain conditions, is already allowed at more than 300 of the 553 sites in the National Wildlife Refuge System. Contact local environmental, animal rights, and hunting groups for opinions for or against these proposals that would allow additional species to be killed at 10 refuges in 8 states.

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Topics on the Beat: 

Colonias: Major Environmental Health Problems Linked to Poverty

Some half a million people live in Texas' colonias, impoverished communities often without flush toilets, clean drinking water, or electricity. Such commmunities exist in other border states, and their residents suffer disproportionately from a spectrum of serious diseases that arise from this environment.

Source: Texas Tribune, 07/11/2011


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