Southwest (AZ NM OK TX)

Is the South Confronting Its Climate Threats?

The South is ground zero for the climate crisis in the United States, yet little is being done to prevent impacts or protect communities. Will the South tap its potential to be part of the solution? Our special report, “Covering Your Climate: The South,” helps reporters cover the region, starting with a backgrounder on climate concerns from Texas to Virginia.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Hopi Tribe Pushes For Solutions In Long Struggle For Water"

"Some Hopi families don’t have running water. Many others have water tainted with arsenic. Steps toward fixes are finally taking shape."

"MISHONGNOVI — At the end of a dusty road, beside two water tanks in the desert shrubs, a windmill spins in the breeze.

From a spigot, water flows through a blue hose and gushes into a bucket.

When the water reaches the brim, Kayla Johnson heaves the bucket into the back of her family’s car. Her younger brother, Terron, holds the hose and keeps the stream running into a 5-gallon jug.

Source: Arizona Republic, 12/23/2020

Environmental Justice Stories Will Keep Proliferating in 2021

The surging racial justice movement has reenergized aspirations to correct the environmental injustices that blemish countless underprivileged U.S. communities. The new TipSheet, another part of our 2021 Guide, scans the landscape of trouble spots, from urban to rural, industrial zones to Superfund sites. Plus, story ideas and reporting resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Trump Officials Rush To Mine Desert Haven Native Tribes Consider Holy"

"Since January, San Carlos Apache tribal member Wendsler Nosie Sr has been sleeping in a teepee at a campground in south-eastern Arizona’s Oak Flat, a sprawling high desert oasis filled with groves of ancient oaks and towering rock spires. It is a protest in defense of “holy ground” where the Apache have prayed and performed ceremonies for centuries."

Source: Guardian, 11/24/2020

"Shingle Mountain"

"Marsha Jackson didn’t go to the mountain. The mountain came to her. ... The mountain is human-made — an environmental nightmare of discarded roofing shingles stretching more than a city block. Even though it’s an illegal toxic waste dump on the edge of a neighborhood, it took months of pressure to get city officials to even acknowledge its existence and finally make plans to take it down."

Source: Washington Post, 11/18/2020

New Mapping Software Offers Unique View of Western Wildlife Migration

Large migratory species have been traveling across the North American continent for thousands of years. But the land has been dramatically affected, altering how these big game move about. A new data mapping site for scientists can now help environmental journalists track Western wildlife herds and their health as well. The latest from Reporter’s Toolbox.

SEJ Publication Types: 
December 2, 2020 to December 3, 2020

IJNR Virtual Workshop for Journalists: The Gulf of Mexico

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources invites applications for a two-day virtual workshop investigating the ecology, economy and more of the Gulf of Mexico and the U.S. Gulf Coast.



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