Southwest (AZ NM OK TX)

Energy Remains Big Issue for Public Lands Management

Long-standing disputes over exploitation of public lands bubble over as the Trump administration advances campaign promises to ease restrictions on energy development. A special TipSheet, part of our 2018 Journalists' Guide to Energy & Environment, has resources for covering public lands-related issues as they play out in the coming year.

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Investigations May Bring News in 2018

Almost a dozen investigations are underway at the U.S. EPA and the Interior Department, including of unusual travel, private sector connections and staff/advisory panel moves. This week's TipSheet runs down the probes in detail, and offers resources for coverage of developments in 2018.

SEJ Publication Types: 

For Pruitt EPA, There Is No Bad News on Ozone Pollution

Trying to figure out the air quality in your coverage area? The EPA may not be much help. But this week's TipSheet suggests some effective work-arounds for your reporting. Get the backstory on ozone standards, tips on how to track ozone "nonattainment" for your area and learn why smog matters so much to public health.

SEJ Publication Types: 
December 1, 2017

Deadline: IJNR's Lower Colorado River Institute

Journalists, come find out about resource allocation, agriculture, environmental justice, development, climate, border politics and more during this Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources trip, February 17-24, 2018, to Arizona, California, Nevada and Mexico. Apply by Dec 1.

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