"Iconic Status Can't Spare Grand Canyon From Myriad Threats"
An in-depth look at the Grand Canyon ecosystem reveals an unprecedented convergence of threats.
An in-depth look at the Grand Canyon ecosystem reveals an unprecedented convergence of threats.
"Republican senators introduced legislation today that would block White House efforts to require federal agencies to consider climate change in environmental analyses of proposed projects."
"The Obama administration is launching a significant new effort to reach out to marine recreational fishermen, an economically and politically powerful group that has previously felt shut out by the new administration."
"A panel of experts convened on Tuesday by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to discuss how the agency should approach tritium leaks at reactors suggested that the biggest risk that nuclear operators faced was the erosion of public trust."
"The Supreme Court on Tuesday forcefully struck down a federal law aimed at banning depictions of dog fighting and other violence against animals, saying it violated constitutional guarantees of free speech and created a 'criminal prohibition of alarming breadth.'"
"A tiny Asian fly that is new to North America is threatening much of the West Coast fruit industry and has been detected in Florida too, warn state and federal agricultural experts."
The Discovery Channel plans to air a series about former GOP VP candidate Sarah Palin and the natural resources of Alaska. Now Friends of the Earth is urging people to protest the half-term governor's policy allowing the shooting of wolves from airplanes -- by sending in haiku.
"Three key Senate Democrats are urging their colleagues to reject a proposal in the emerging climate bill that would give a cut of oil and gas production royalties to states that allow offshore drilling."
"The Interior Department is writing new regulations for mountaintop-removal coal mining that would expand protection for waterways and require the restoration of dynamited areas."