"White House Report Cites Gaps in Climate Change Strategy"
"The federal government has 'significant gaps' in its strategy to cope with the increasing effects of climate change on the country, according to a White House report ... released Tuesday."
"The federal government has 'significant gaps' in its strategy to cope with the increasing effects of climate change on the country, according to a White House report ... released Tuesday."
"Detroit's Big Three automakers, Toyota Motor Corp., and six other automakers urged Congress Wednesday not to bar the Environmental Protection Agency from setting the first-ever limits on tailpipe emissions."
"Anxious over lack of progress on a new energy bill, a group of 29 state governors has sent the White House and Congress a list of renewable energy recommendations, seeking support for wind and solar projects."
"The lead authors of the Senate climate bill are courting key members of an industry coalition that once cheered on Dick Cheney's energy policies."
"During the past decade, the Environmental Protection Agency's commitment to keeping children safe from toxic chemicals has lapsed, and top officials routinely ignored scores of recommendations by the agency's own children's health advisory committee, according to a report released Wednesday by the Government Accountability Office."
"Many of America's coal-fired power plants lack widely available pollution controls for the highly toxic metal mercury, and mercury emissions recently increased at more than half of the country's 50 largest mercury-emitting power plants, according to a report Wednesday."
"Warning that the powerful poisons can endanger some dogs and cats, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will require new instructions and labeling for on-spot flea products."
A new project of EPA and the National Renewable Energy Lab will analyze development potential for wind, solar, or small hydro power at contaminated sites in various stages of cleanup.
Find out if an endangered or threatened animal or plant species lives in counties of interest to your audience, and cover it in the context of current news developments or some other at-risk-species angle.
For the first time in 25 years, the US Fish and Wildlife Service has updated the list of federally-protected migratory birds. The net result is the addition of 175 species, bringing the total to 1,007.