National (U.S.)

CSB Reschedules W.VA. Meeting After Bayer Secrecy Demands

A public meeting regarding the U.S. Chemical Safety Board's investigation of the August 2008 explosion at Bayer CropScience which killed two workers, originally scheduled for March 19, was postponed to April 23, 2009.

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Transmission Superhighway May Carry Coal Power to Northeast

SolveClimate founder David Sassoon explains March 24, 2009, how energy policies and East-West differences in power transmission needs are quietly leaving the door open for the cheapest, dirtiest coal power to flood the Northeast under plans for what is intended to be a green transmission superhighway.
Author contact information: David Sassoon
Source: ,

"Some See Daylight at Last for U.S. Feed-In Tariffs"

"With Congress and President Obama championing green energy, the solar industry sees an opening to pursue a goal it long considered unattainable: European-style subsidies for sun-generated power. The national trade group for solar manufacturers is discussing whether it should push for a national feed-in tariff, a funding mechanism that forces utilities to buy green power at premium prices. Popular in Germany and Spain, feed-in tariffs have gained little traction in the United States. But that is changing.

Source: Greenwire, 03/25/2009

"EPA Environmental Justice Grants Fund Projects in 28 States"

EPA is awarding $800,000 in grants to organizations working with communities throughout the country that struggle with environmental justice issues. Under the Environmental Justice Small Grants Program, 40 grants, up to $20,000 each, are going to community organizations and local and tribal governments in 28 states for projects aimed at addressing environmental and public health issues." Environment News Service had the story March 24, 2009.

Source: ENS, 03/25/2009

SEJ Watchdog Swiftly Responds For More Press Freedom



A journalist's job is to follow the facts and call them as they appear, no matter which side of a debate they may favor. In the past year, as president of the Society of Environmental Journalists, I've often found myself explaining to various people and groups that the only cause for which SEJ advocates is more and better coverage of the environment.

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