
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

Church of England Divests From Coal, Tar Sands in New Climate Policy

"The Church Commissioners and the Church of England Pensions Board said they have divested 12 million pounds ($18.42 million) from their investments in thermal coal and tar sands companies as part of an initiative aimed at promoting transition to a low carbon economy."

Source: Reuters, 05/01/2015

Internal Docs Show BLM Made No Criminal Referrals After Bundy Standoff

"The Bureau of Land Management has not asked the Justice Department to prosecute Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy or anyone else involved in an armed standoff last year with BLM officials who were attempting to round up cattle that were illegally grazing on federal lands, according to documents a government watchdog group sued to obtain."

Source: Greenwire, 04/16/2015


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