
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

"Water Safety Threatened By North Carolina Coal Ash Spill, Group Says"

"EDEN, N.C. – An environmental group Thursday challenged Duke Energy’s assurances that drinking water from the Dan River in North Carolina and Virginia remained safe despite a massive spill of toxic coal ash that released a deluge of murky gray sludge into the river Sunday."

Source: LA Times, 02/07/2014

"5,000 Rally Against Air Pollution at Utah Capitol"

"SALT LAKE CITY -- Using the momentum of a growing number of Utah residents who are dissatisfied with the unhealthy haze hanging over the Wasatch Front, clean-air advocates rallied in modern-day record fashion Saturday to ensure they are heard by Gov. Gary Herbert and state lawmakers."

Source: Ogden Standard-Examiner, 01/27/2014

"Canadian Environment Groups Challenge Oil Pipeline Approvals"

"The groups are objecting to the approval granted Northern Gateway last month by the Joint Review Panel. The panel, which held 18 months of hearings into Northern Gateway, concluded the project posed little risk to the environment provided Enbridge complied with 209 conditions attached to the approval."

Source: Reuters, 01/20/2014


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