
Natural Gas Pipeline Tearing Virginia Rural County Apart

A proposed 42-inch natural gas pipeline through rural Virginia has torn Nelson County apart. A story of energy policy is told from the viewpoint of one woman whose beloved farmland is threatened by eminent domain.

Source: Wash Post, 06/14/2016

"Critical Index Finds Smelt Nearly Extinct In Sacramento Delta"

"Delta smelt have hovered close to extinction for years, but biologists say they’ve never seen anything like this spring. 'There’s nothing between them and extinction, as far as I can tell,' said Peter Moyle, a UC Davis biologist who has studied smelt and other Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta fish species for nearly four decades."

Source: Sacramento Bee, 06/08/2016

"Widely Used U.S. Farm Chemical Atrazine May Threaten Animals: EPA"

"One of the most popular herbicides in U.S. agriculture can be dangerous to animals and fish and leaves behind worrisome residue levels, the Environmental Protection Agency said on Thursday in a draft report that sparked outrage among farmers."

Source: Reuters, 06/06/2016


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