
"‘A Scourge Of The Earth’: Grasshopper Swarms Overwhelm US West"

"They’re arriving in swarms so dense it can appear the earth is moving. They’re covering roads and fields, pelting ATV riders, and steadily devouring grains and grass to the bedevilment of farmers and ranchers. A massive population of grasshoppers is proliferating in the sweltering American west, where a deep drought has made for ideal conditions for grasshopper eggs to hatch and survive into adulthood."

Source: Guardian, 07/05/2021

Corporate Studies Asserting Herbicide Safety Show Many Flaws: New Study

"A new analysis of more than 50 previously secret, corporate-backed scientific studies is raising troubling questions about a history of regulatory reliance on such research in assessing the safety of the widely used weedkilling chemical known as glyphosate, the key ingredient in the popular Roundup herbicide."

Source: Guardian, 07/05/2021

Summer 2021 Algal Bloom Still Expected To Be Mild For Western Lake Erie

"Despite searing heat and heavy showers at various times this month, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is sticking to its prediction that western Lake Erie’s algal bloom this summer will be as small as last year’s and relatively mild overall."

Source: Toledo Blade, 07/01/2021


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