
Anything related to air quality, air pollution, or the atmosphere

"Air Pollution Blamed for 200,000 Early U.S. Deaths Each Year"

"CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- Polluted air causes roughly 200,000 early deaths each year across the United States, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology conclude after tracking emissions from industrial smokestacks, vehicle tailpipes, marine and rail transport, and commercial and residential heating."

Source: ENS, 09/05/2013

Fracking Health Project Suggests Air Pollution May Be Bigger Concern"

"PITTSBURGH -- A project examining the local health impacts from natural gas drilling is providing some of the first preliminary numbers about people who may be affected, and the results challenge the industry position that no one suffers but also suggest the problems may not be as widespread as some critics claim."

Source: AP, 08/26/2013

"OSHA Proposes To Halve Silica Dust Exposure Limit"

"CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Obama administration officials on Friday proposed to update the federal government's 42-year-old exposure limits for silica dust, a move the Labor Department said would prevent 700 deaths and 1,600 new cases of silicosis every year. The proposal would provide new protections for 2.2 million American workers, cutting in half the legal limit for dust exposure on the job."

Source: Charleston Gazette, 08/26/2013

"Cut Emissions? Congress Itself Keeps Burning A Dirtier Fuel"

"WASHINGTON — As part of the climate change agenda he unveiled this year, President Obama made a commitment to significantly reduce the federal government’s dependence on fossil fuels. The government, he said in a speech in June at Georgetown University, 'must lead by example.' But just two miles from the White House stands the Capitol Power Plant, the largest single source of carbon emissions in the nation’s capital and a concrete example of the government’s inability to green its own turf."

Source: NY Times, 08/09/2013


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