
Anything related to air quality, air pollution, or the atmosphere

"Aerial Surveys Detect Dozens Of Methane 'Super-Emitters' In Permian"

"Around 30 oil and gas facilities across the Permian Basin in Texas and New Mexico spewed large amounts of methane for three years, emitting the equivalent annual climate pollution from half a million cars, according to a report released on Monday."

Source: Reuters, 01/25/2022

Deep in the Heart of Complexity … Or, the View From Texas

As the Society of Environmental Journalists prepares for its annual conference in Houston this March, the SEJournal asked Texas-based reporter Greg Harman to explore the Lone Star State's most critical stories for 2022. Here, in this special Texas-focused TipSheet, are leads, resources, encouragements and challenges.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Health Risks of Smoke and Ozone Rise in the West as Wildfires Worsen"

"Simultaneous high levels of the two pollutants, which harm human health, are occurring with increasing frequency, researchers say."

"Dangerous levels of two air pollutants, ozone and smoke, are occurring in tandem with increasing frequency over widespread parts of the Western United States where millions of people live, researchers said Wednesday.

The two harmful pollutants are a result of worsening wildfires and extreme heat, and researchers suggest the increase is linked to climate change.

Source: NYTimes, 01/07/2022


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