"Blue Whales Croon A New Tune"
"Blue whales are updating their playlist, according to new research on the huge mammals."
Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species
"Blue whales are updating their playlist, according to new research on the huge mammals."
Researchers are hoping to find new medicines underwater in corals and sponges.
"The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Thursday evening that it would not grant the American pika -- a tiny mammal whose mountainside habitat is being threatened by climate change -- protection under the Endangered Species Act."
"All along the Oregon coast over the last month, hundreds of brown pelicans have turned up dead, starving or begging for food. ...Researchers, at a loss to explain the casualties, are looking at unusual ocean currents and the depletion of fish stocks -- as well as warmer temperatures, toxic runoff and algae blooms -- as possible causes."
"Capping a decade-long battle, private companies in Mexico have begun the first legal plantings of genetically modified corn, the Agriculture Department said Wednesday."
After intense recovery efforts resulting in an increase from ~400 nesting pairs in 1963 to the current count of >7,000, the bald eagle may soon be removed from the USFWS list of endangered and threatened species, with monitoring ongoing for at least five more years.
This a good time to report on the fate of the bald eagle; the National Wildlife Federation provides a couple of lists that pinpoint at least one spot in every state except Hawaii where the big birds can typically be found.
"Fewer beekeepers are reporting evidence of a mysterious ailment that had been decimating the U.S. honeybee population."
"Wildlife officials fear the world's only remaining natural flock of endangered whooping cranes could be at risk of another winter die-off."
Increased use of the poison Rozol to kill prairie dogs is harming many non-target species.