
Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species

"This Songbird’s Genes May Show How Climate Change Has Sped Up Evolution"

"Even bird enthusiasts will admit the southwestern willow flycatcher isn’t very flashy. But in studying the DNA of this brownish-olive songbird, scientists say they have found something remarkable: evidence that the endangered bird is adapting at the genetic level to climate change."

Source: Washington Post, 08/24/2023

"Ecuador Votes To Ban Oil Drilling In Part Of Amazon, Mining Outside Quito"

"Ecuadorean referendums to ban oil drilling in a part of the Amazon and mining in a forest outside Quito easily passed, drawing cheers on Monday from Indigenous leaders and environmentalists despite warnings from oil and mining groups about billions of dollars in lost income."

Source: Reuters, 08/22/2023

"These Animals Are Already Adapting to a Changing Climate"

"Climate change is one of the top five drivers of extinction, but it’s not always a zero-sum game. In general, scientists expect species will have to move upward in elevation or latitude to cope in a warming world. However, in California, many animals have been adapting to their mutating environments in ingenious ways."

Source: Sierra, 08/21/2023


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