
Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species

Corps Grants Louisiana Permits To Build $2.5 Billion Sediment Diversion

"Louisiana's proposed $2.5 billion Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion, designed to reconnect the Mississippi River with the Barataria Basin to create as much as 21 square miles of wetlands by 2070, was awarded key permits by the Army Corps of Engineers on Monday that could allow construction to begin in March 2023."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 12/20/2022

"Cop15: Historic Deal Struck To Halt Biodiversity Loss By 2030"

"Governments appear to have signed a once-in-a-decade deal to halt the destruction of Earth’s ecosystems, but the agreement seems to have been forced through by the Chinese president, ignoring the objections of some African states."

Source: Guardian, 12/19/2022

China’s Return To Wildlife Farming Risks Global Health And Biodiversity

"China appears to be weakening its post-Covid restrictions on the farming of wildlife such as porcupines, civets and bamboo rats, which raises a new risk to public health and biodiversity, warn NGOs and experts."

Source: Guardian, 12/16/2022

"Whitebark Pine That Feeds Grizzlies Is Threatened, US Says"

"Whitebark pine trees can live more than 1,000 years, but in just two decades more than a quarter of the trees that are a key food source for some grizzly bears have been killed by disease, climate change, wildfires and voracious beetles, government officials said as they announced federal protections Wednesday."

Source: AP, 12/15/2022


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