Economy & Business

‘The Power of Partnerships’ Helps Uncover America’s Energy Gamble

It took teams of journalists to produce an award-winning series of reports digging into environment and climate health effects of massive oil and natural gas production in the Southwestern United States. Our latest Inside Story talks with Jamie Smith Hopkins of the Center for Public Integrity about the benefits of reporting a big story jointly and the project’s sometimes surprising findings.

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Trump Cuts Oil & Gas Drillers' Royalties On Public Lands; States Suffer

"The oil and gas industry has been allowed to pay far less than usual to the government for the right to drill on public lands under a controversial Trump administration coronavirus relief policy, an analysis by a watchdog group and the Guardian reveals."

Source: Guardian, 09/04/2020

BLM Rule Allows Itself To Issue Mass Royalty Cuts For Mining

"The Trump administration on Monday finalized a rule allowing itself to issue areawide and industrywide reductions on fees that companies pay to the government in exchange for the ability to extract certain minerals from public lands."

Source: The Hill, 09/02/2020

"EPA: Pruitt's Phone Booth Revealed

"It's not much — white exterior walls, a chair and office phone inside, behind a door the EPA administrator could close behind himself. A photo obtained by E&E News under the Freedom of Information Act shows the secure phone booth EPA installed for then-Administrator Scott Pruitt."

Source: E&E News, 09/01/2020


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