Economy & Business

Cool Data Tools: EPA Releases NEPAssist Mapper

For reporters wanting to pry open the worm-cans of local environmental stories, EPA's new GIS tool lets you map Environmental Impact Statements project information against a rich backdrop: layer after layer of geographic, demographic, environmental, and economic context. And, it can be used in conjunction with EJView, EPA's environmental justice online mapping tool.

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"As Demand Rises, Ohio’s Steel Mills Shake Off the Rust and Expand"

"CANTON, Ohio — The Ohio steel industry, led by a drilling boom in the gas and oil industry and a resuscitated demand for cars and light trucks, is growing again. Steel makers across the state are racing to keep pace with plans to add a total of two million square feet of production space at a cost of $1.5 billion."

Source: NY Times, 04/26/2012
May 30, 2012

Implications of a Data-Driven Built Environment

The intention of this event, hosted by the New York Academy of Sciences, is to look at the potential data pool for the entire real estate industry and draw out the value between data sets and determine what data should be collected in order achieve sustainability and market transformation goals.


"Conservative Nonprofit Acts as a Stealth Business Lobbyist"

The American Legislative Exchange Council -- ALEC -- has for decades worked to fight protection of public health from environmental threats. Funded with corporate money, the group has won non-profit tax status from the federal government even as it lobbies for industrial interests on an industrial scale. Now, because it backed the gun law that kept Trayvon Martin's killer from arrest, some large corporations are cashing out from ALEC.

Source: NY Times, 04/23/2012

"The Koch Brothers – Exposed!"

"If the Koch brothers didn't exist, the left would have to invent them. They're the plutocrats from central casting -- oil-and-gas billionaires ready to buy any congressman, fund any lie, fight any law, bust any union, despoil any landscape, or shirk any (tax) burden to push their free-market religion and pump up their profits."

Source: Rolling Stone, 04/23/2012

BP To Get Gulf Oil Spill Information Withheld from Public

After complaints from BP, the US government agreed to give the company evidence of the basis for its calculation of the flow rate from the stricken Deepwater Horizon well in the Gulf of Mexico. The government will hand over to BP some 100 documents about the size of the 2010 oil spill that have not yet been made public.

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Data Accumulates Slowly on What's in Fracking Fluid

If you have a fracking story in your beat, getting information about what's in the controversial fracking fluids may be like pulling teeth. But there are a few resources that can help, such as the "FracFocus" chemical disclosure registry.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Denver Post Exposes FDA Secrecy on Food Threats to Public Health

Reporter Michael Booth's story resurrected the old issue of whether the public has a right to know the identity and source of foods in commerce that government agencies actually know may be causing fatal illness. The FDA refused to comment on the story.

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