
"Lawmakers: High Costs Slowing Action On Contaminant In Water"

"Cleaning up and protecting U.S. drinking water from a class of toxic chemicals used in many household items could cost in the tens of billions of dollars nationally, including $2 billion for the Department of Defense alone, witnesses testified Wednesday before a House panel urging the federal government to move more quickly on the cleanup."

Source: AP, 03/07/2019

"Report Details the Potential Danger of Toxic Floodwaters"

"In Richmond late last month, the James River flooded to more than 16 feet, its highest since 2010. The state health department closed sections to shellfish harvesting because floodwaters likely contained disease-causing bacteria and viruses."

Source: WVTF, 03/07/2019

Watchdog Says Political Appointees Delayed EPA Toxic Chemical Assessments

"A top government watchdog reported that political appointees at the Environmental Protection Agency delayed reviews of toxic chemicals like formaldehyde for months last year during a review to see if the agency’s work met the leadership’s priorities."

Source: ABC News, 03/05/2019

Will Appeals Court Make EPA Ban Pesticide With Serious Health Risks?

"Eric Perez and his wife, Mari, live with their five children in the Wenatchee Valley in central Washington state. Their house is just feet from an orchard. A couple of years ago, the kids were having an Easter egg hunt in the yard when they smelled something 'plasticky,' Perez remembers — like 'rotten eggs.'"

Source: NPR, 03/01/2019


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