
"Bayer Lobbies Congress To Help Fight Lawsuits Tying Roundup To Cancer"

"The biotech giant Bayer has lobbied Congress over the past year to advance legislation that could shield the company from billions of dollars in lawsuits, part of a national campaign to defeat claims that its weedkiller Roundup causes cancer in people who use it frequently."

Source: Washington Post, 06/24/2024

Study Finds 1 In 4 US Residential Yards Exceeds New EPA Lead Soil Limits

"Roughly one in four U.S. households have soil exceeding the new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's lead screening levels of 200 parts per million (ppm), halved from the previous level of 400 ppm, a new study found. For households with exposure from multiple sources, the EPA lowered the guidance to 100 ppm; nearly 40% of households exceed that level, the study also found."

Source: AGU, 06/20/2024

"Trump-Era EPA Meddled in PFAS Science, Agency Watchdog Finds"

"In the final days of the Trump administration, a political appointee at the EPA ordered a last-minute review of the hazards of a “forever chemical,” triggering delay, confusion, and significant changes to a nearly final work product, the agency’s inspector general found in a Friday report."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 06/17/2024


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