
New Orleans Court Hands Rare Win To Enviro Group in BP Oil Spill Case

"BP and its partners in the Macondo well that released an estimated 4.9 million gallons of oil over three months beginning in April 2010 should be required to inform state officials -- and the public -- of the toxic materials included in the spill, and the potential health effects of those materials, a three-judge appellate panel ruled in New Orleans on Wednesday."

Source: AP, 01/11/2013

"Passengers on India's 'Cancer Train' Share Stories of Pain and Hope"

"Every night, hundreds of cancer patients from the farming region of southern Punjab huddle together with their families in an overnight train journey to the nearest cancer hospital, 220 miles away. ... The patients travel from the fertile farming areas of the northern state of Punjab, a region that reports an alarmingly high use of pesticides."

Source: Wash Post, 01/03/2013


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