
"FDA Bans BPA In Baby Bottles, Cups"

"From now on, U.S. manufacturers may no longer produce polycarbonate baby bottles and sippy cups (for toddlers) if the clear plastic had been manufactured from bisphenol A, a hormone-mimicking compound. Long-awaited, the announcement is anything but a bold gesture. The Obama administration decided to lock this barn door after the cow had died."

Source: Science News, 07/18/2012

West Nile v. Pesticides: Sick Neighbors Face Off on Mosquito Spraying

A Colorado family typifies a growing number of Americans whose health may be put at risk by the drift of pesticides from their neighbors' fogging activities. But neighbors doing the fogging say they, too, are acting to protect their health. A judge ruled this month that pesticide drift can be a form of trespass.

Source: Huffington Post, 07/12/2012

Coal Ash: Has It Come to a Storage or Disposal Site Near You?

If your local utility burns coal, there is likely an environmental story about coal ash to be reported near you. A FOIA request by the Environmental Integrity Project and Earthjustice has produced the identities of another 451 coal ash dumps (than previously listed by EPA), raising the total to at least 1161.

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Got Corruption? Data on State Lawmaker Conflicts Hard To Get

A large and diverse array of businesses have an interest in the environmental and energy laws that state legislatures consider: including coal, oil, plastics, chemicals, mining, forest products, and others. The possible financial stake lawmakers may have in the bills before them is fertile ground for investigation. Here's help in finding story ideas.

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PEER Sues FDA for Documents on Livestock Antibiotics

Under FOIA, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility requested FDA documents justifying its use of categorical exclusions to avoid assessing the environmental impact of not regulating livestock antibiotics. After FDA failed to provide any, PEER filed a lawsuit in federal district court.

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State Fracking Disclosure Rules Don't Protect Public: Report

A new OMB Watch report calls full advance disclosure of fracking fluid ingredients "the necessary first step" to protecting people's drinking water and concluded "no state has yet established all of the elements of a chemical disclosure policy strong enough to ensure the quality of the water and the health of communities near gas wells."

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