
Obama Vows Disclosure of Toxic Fracking Secrets on Federal Land

Most current fracking operations happen on non-federal lands. But on federal lands, things are different — Obama intends to require disclosure of fluids as a condition of new leases for fracking on federal lands. If it takes place, this could push the ingredient lists further into the open.

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Lejeune Secrecy May Have Caused Dead Marines

CDC's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry has been investigating a Navy cover-up of cancer-causing drinking water at its Lejeune, NC, base. Now, Project on Government Oversight has released a January 5, 2012, letter from Marine Major General J.A. Kessler asking ATSDR to redact its report in the name of "force protection."

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January 30, 2012 to February 1, 2012

Energy, Utility and Environment Conference (EUEC) 2012

EUEC 2012 is the 15th annual energy, utility and environment conference, making it the largest and longest running professional networking and educational event of its kind in the United States. Gina McCarthy's keynote address will include the EPA's new Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS).


EPA To Release Dioxin Noncancer Risk Reassessment

The assessments, expected late January 2012, could have wide-ranging direct and indirect effects in realms such as toxic site cleanups, brownfield development, manufacturing processes, domestic food production and sales, and international trade of food and possibly other goods.

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