
"Harris in NJ Points To Newark As Model For Lead Replacement"

"The success of New Jersey’s biggest city at replacing nearly 24,000 lead drinking water pipes can serve as a national model and shows why infrastructure spending is vital, Vice President Kamala Harris said Friday in Newark."

Source: AP, 02/14/2022

Formaldehyde Increases By 17 Percent The Risk Of Memory, Thinking Woes

"Health-care workers and others who are exposed on the job to formaldehyde, even in low amounts, face a 17 percent increased likelihood of developing memory and thinking problems later on, according to research published in the journal Neurology."

Source: Washington Post, 02/14/2022

New U.N. Treaty Effort Could Cap Skyrocketing Plastics Production

"Negotiators from around the world will start work this month on a treaty to reduce plastic pollution, in what diplomats say is the most ambitious round of climate diplomacy since the 2015 Paris agreement that focuses on global warming."

Source: Washington Post, 02/09/2022

EPA TSCA Database Back on the Street

A key federal database on toxic chemicals, kneecapped under the Trump administration, is now back. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox reports that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency last week resurfaced the ChemView service, and explains the background law that fuels its data, while offering tips on how to make smart use of the database as it expands in coming years.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Fed Nominee Hits Back At GOP Climate Attacks. Will It Work?"

"President Biden’s nominee to be the Federal Reserve’s top banking regulator came out swinging yesterday against Republican assertions that she’s on a mission to combat climate change by diverting dollars away from the oil and gas sector."

Source: E&E News, 02/07/2022

"From Fertilizer to Fuel: Can ‘Green’ Ammonia Be a Climate Fix?"

"Ammonia has been widely used as a fertilizer for the last century. Now, using renewable energy and a new method for making ammonia, researchers and entrepreneurs believe “green” ammonia can become a significant clean fuel source for generating electricity and powering ships."

Source: YaleE360, 02/03/2022


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