
"EPA’s Regan Vows To Help Hard-Hit Areas, But Residents Have Doubts"

"ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH, La. — As white smoke wafted from a massive oil and gas refinery that sits near his backyard, Michael Coleman reminisced about the sweet days of his childhood, before sugar cane fields that stretched for miles were sold and replaced by chemical companies that wiped out the “nice little community we had here.”

Source: Washington Post, 11/29/2021

Congressional Infrastructure Bill Loaded With Local Stories

The massive infrastructure measure signed into law last week is a potential mother lode of stories for environmental journalists. If that is, they can figure out where the money is going. The latest TipSheet takes an initial look at the $1.2 trillion plan and offers guidance on how to track down reportable local and regional projects.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Rural Reporter Turns Routine Permit Into Award-Winning Investigation

It was a seemingly mundane legal notice about a surface water discharge permit. But when Wyoming journalist Angus Thuermer Jr. took a closer look, he discovered that it would mean massive discharges of pollutants into local waters. Inside Story explains how Thuermer revealed the truth about the plans, prompting local protests and, ultimately, a withdrawal of the permit.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"A Power Struggle Over Cobalt Rattles the Clean Energy Revolution"

"The quest for Congo’s cobalt, which is vital for electric vehicles and the worldwide push against climate change, is caught in an international cycle of exploitation, greed and gamesmanship."

Source: NYTimes, 11/22/2021

"Drilling For ‘White Gold’ Is Happening Right Now At The Salton Sea"

"Barely a mile from the southern shore of the Salton Sea — an accidental lake deep in the California desert, a place best known for dust and decay — a massive drill rig stands sentinel over some of the most closely watched ground in American energy."

Source: LA Times, 11/16/2021


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