Climate Change

"Dam It: Feds Say U.S. Can Double Hydropower"

"The Grand Canyon was once targeted as a major dam site by the federal government, a project eventually scuttled after widespread protest. Nobody is revisiting the idea of a dam there, but a new U.S. Department of Energy report shows that the Grand Canyon and other major gorges and rivers across the U.S. may be ideal for hydropower development."

Source: Climate Central, 05/05/2014

"Epic Rains Deluge Florida Panhandle & Parts of Alabama"

"Strong storms have been moving over the Southeast since this weekend, spawning tornadoes from Alabama to Arkansas. On Tuesday they trekked further east, spreading heavy rain across the Alabama coast and Florida Panhandle. Rainfall totals for many cities in those regions were so high that they were closer to hurricane totals than spring storms."

Source: Climate Central, 05/02/2014

Climate Change: Pacific Ocean Acidity Dissolving Shells of Key Species

"In a troubling new discovery, scientists studying ocean waters off California, Oregon and Washington have found the first evidence that increasing acidity in the ocean is dissolving the shells of a key species of tiny sea creature at the base of the food chain."

Source: San Jose Mercury News, 05/01/2014


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