Broadcast Meteorologists More Convinced of Manmade Climate Change
"TV weathercasters are more convinced than ever climate change is happening and that human activities are a major contributor suggest the results of a new report."
"TV weathercasters are more convinced than ever climate change is happening and that human activities are a major contributor suggest the results of a new report."
"President Obama’s most far-reaching regulation to slow climate change will have its first day in court on Thursday, the beginning of what is expected to be a multiyear legal battle over the policy that Mr. Obama hopes to leave as his signature environmental achievement."
"Poor countries are feeling 'the boot of climate change on their neck', the president of the World Bank has said, as he called for a carbon tax and the immediate scrapping of subsidies for fossil fuels to hold back global warming."
"A group of Democratic caucus members in the Senate has asked governors to consider the views of other Kentuckians before taking Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s advice on implementing the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan."
"Critics say the organization is doing one thing while now saying another, to stop the exit of high-profile members."
"A coalition of environmental, civil rights and progressive groups aims to register a million climate-conscious voters by Election Day."
"The top Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee joined the Environmental Protection Agency Monday in criticizing the House GOP’s efforts to weaken the Obama administration’s climate rule for power plants."
"China is poised to overtake the United States as the main cause of man-made global warming since 1990, the benchmark year for U.N.-led action, in a historic shift that may raise pressure on Beijing to act."
"A group of Harvard University students are calling for the school to sell off its investments in fossil fuel companies. Protesters began blocking the entrance to the main administration building Sunday night."
"Ontario will join a cap-and-trade market set up by Quebec and California to reduce carbon emissions and slow the pace of climate change, provincial Premier Kathleen Wynne said on Monday."