Climate Change

Lobbyist aka 'Dr. Evil' Behind Front Groups Attacking Obama Power Rules

"To Washington insiders he is Dr Evil: the hidden orchestrator of industry campaigns against the Humane Society, Mothers against Drunk Driving, and other seemingly uncontroversial groups. Now Richard Berman, a one-time lobbyist turned industry strategist, has zeroed in on another target: Barack Obama’s new power plant rules."

Source: Guardian, 02/24/2015

"Chikungunya Thrives with Climate Variability in the Caribbean"

"TRINIDAD - Jenny had gone to bed feeling well, but an hour into her sleep she suddenly awoke with a 'stiff, cramping pain' behind one knee. Within the next hour the pains had multiplied and both knees began to lock, followed by stiffened fingers and pains in her chest, along with a fever."

Source: IPS, 02/24/2015

Senator Calls For Investigation Into Climate 'Denial-For-Hire Scheme'

"Recently released documents show that fossil fuel interests paid more than $1.2 million to fund the research of a prominent climate change-denying scientist affiliated with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Now, a Democratic senator is calling for an investigation into whether other coal and oil companies are funding climate deniers."

Source: Huffington Post, 02/24/2015

"Deeper Ties to Corporate Cash for Doubtful Climate Researcher"

Politicians and fossil-energy companies denying climate change often point to scientist Willie Soon's work to support their position. Newly disclosed documents show that Soon's work is largely funded by fossil-energy interests, and that he violated journal policies by failing to disclose these conflicts of interest.

Source: NY Times, 02/23/2015

‘Anti-Petroleum’ Movement a Growing Security Threat To Canada: Mounties

"The RCMP has labelled the 'anti-petroleum' movement as a growing and violent threat to Canada’s security, raising fears among environmentalists that they face increased surveillance, and possibly worse, under the Harper government’s new terrorism legislation."

Source: Toronto Globe & Mail, 02/19/2015


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