"White House Pushes Climate Protections for Natural Resources"
"The White House launched a set of initiatives aimed at protecting natural resources like landscapes and water from the effects of climate change."
"The White House launched a set of initiatives aimed at protecting natural resources like landscapes and water from the effects of climate change."
"A majority of voters in states home to some of the biggest oil and gas drilling fields want the government to regulate the burning or releasing of natural gas from wells, according to a new poll."
"California has completed the highest number of goals to prepare for climate change, followed by Massachusetts and New York, according to a first-of-its-kind 50-state tracking tool unveiled Thursday."
"A surprising hot spot of the potent global-warming gas methane hovers over part of the southwestern U.S., according to satellite data."
"Senators Bill Nelson (D-FL) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) sounded the alarm Thursday in Miami Beach about the potentially crippling effects that climate change and rising sea levels could have on the city, accusing skeptics of 'avoiding reality.'"
"As sea ice melts and permafrost thaws, indigenous traditions are being forced to change, say researchers."
"YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK – If you've hiked in the Northern Rockies above 9,000 feet, you've hiked among a whitebark pine forest."
"What ties America's second-biggest energy company, ConocoPhillips Co., to a small Houston-based shale driller, Halcón Resources Corp.? They had some of the worst carbon pollution rates among their peers in 2012."
"From Miami to Washington DC, towns and cities on America’s east coast could see triple the number of tidal floods by 2030 as sea levels rise, say researchers."
"A federal judge in Nebraska has dismissed a challenge to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed carbon limits for new power plants."