Climate Change

Flooding From Storm Surge Would Threaten D.C. Infrastructure: Report

"By the end of this century, as sea levels rise, as much as $7 billion worth of property in the District will routinely be threatened by storm-driven floodwaters, according to a new analysis, including 1,000 homes, three military bases and a broad swath of the Mall."

Source: Wash Post, 09/17/2014

High-Stakes Climate Summit Aims to Be Turning Point for Global Action

"A United Nations chief dismayed at the lack of resolve toward the climate crisis; a daunting deadline for negotiating a new treaty; 125 or so heads of state; a sprawling agenda of fossil fuels, food, forestry and finance; a train of think tanks hauling gigabytes of green data; countless teach-ins, press conferences, art shows—plus tens or even hundreds of thousands of activists marching through midtown Manhattan, demanding action now."

Source: InsideClimate News, 09/17/2014
October 6, 2014

Program Reporting and Climate Communications Fellowship

This ICLEI–Local Governments for Sustainability USA fellowship runs Oct-Dec 2014. The position will primarily support the development of the 2015 Measuring Up Report, to be published by ICLEI and World Wildlife Fund, cataloging the climate mitigation commitments and achievements of US cities and counties. Open till filled; interviews begin October 6.

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