Climate Change

"White House Adviser Says Obama Will Move Soon on Climate"

"A White House adviser said yesterday that President Obama will soon renew his domestic efforts on climate change, as promised in his second State of the Union address, and follow the strides he made with China last weekend with further international engagement on the issue."

Source: ClimateWire, 06/13/2013

"Water Levels Fall in Great Lakes, Taking a Toll on Shipping"

"Aboard the Dorothy Ann, in Lake Erie near Fairport Harbor, Ohio — As Capt. Jeremy R. Mock steered this 711-foot combination of tug and barge toward a harbor berth, a screen of red numbers indicated the decreasing depth of water under the vessel: 6 feet, 3.6 feet, 2 feet."

Source: NY Times, 06/11/2013

New York: "New Climate Data Depict a City More at Risk"

"The Bloomberg administration on Monday issued new warnings about New York City’s vulnerability to climate change, offering updated data to encourage businesses, residents and perhaps even future mayors to better prepare against hotter weather, fiercer storms and increased rainfall."

Source: NY Times, 06/11/2013

"Greenhouse Gases Nearing Highly Dangerous Levels, Study Finds"

"Emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases are growing at such a rate that the world will probably exceed a safe limit in average global temperatures by the end of the century and veer into a higher temperature zone that would profoundly damage economic growth and most other aspects of life, according to a new report by the International Energy Agency."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 06/11/2013


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