Climate Change

"Report Outlines Climate Change Options for Obama Administration"

"The United States will struggle to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to promised levels by 2020, a report from a prominent think tank warned this week, but the federal government, states and industry already have the means at their disposal to achieve such goals."

Source: McClatchy, 02/07/2013

"Sandy's Wake Leaves Shore Birds in Dire Straits"

"When red knots descend on the beaches of Delaware Bay this spring famished from their marathon flight toward the Canadian Arctic from the tip of South America, the rosy-breasted shorebirds may find slim pickings instead of the feast of horseshoe crab eggs they count on to fuel the rest of their migration."

Source: AP, 02/04/2013

Alaska Natives Try To Flee Climate Change Impacts But Find Little Help

"Superstorm Sandy was a dramatic preview of what cities on the Eastern Seaboard might expect as climate change intensifies, but 12 small, indigenous communities on Alaska's coast provide the most extreme example of how global warming can wreak havoc."

Source: ClimateWire, 02/01/2013


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