Climate Change

"U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Headed Up Again"

"After dropping for two years during the recession, emissions of the gases blamed for global warming rose in 2010 as the economy heated up, the Environmental Protection Agency reports. Output of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gasses were up 3.2 percent from 2009 as the nation climbed slowly out of the deepest economic downturn since the Great Depression, the E.P.A. said."

Source: Green (NYT), 04/17/2012

"Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapse Linked To Ancient 'Mega Flood'"

"Dramatic warming at the end of the last ice age produced an intense rise in sea level and a massive ice sheet collapse in the Antarctic.

The sea level rise is known as Melt-Water Pulse 1A, and new research indicates it increased sea level by about 45 feet (14 meters) sometime between 14,650 and 14,310 years ago, during the same time as a period of rapid climate change known as the Bølling warming.

Understanding the impacts of earlier warming and sea-level rise is important for predicting the effects of future warming."

Source: LiveScience, 04/13/2012
April 20, 2012

DEADLINE: Fellowships for Translating Science/Telling Stories: “What We Talk About When We Talk About Climate Change”

Journalists and scientists: Apply by April 20th for an expenses-paid fellowship to participate in this June 9, 2012 workshop in Cleveland, OH, co-sponsored by SEJ and the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism at Michigan State University. Hear about the latest in Great Lakes climate research, develop working relationships with colleagues and counterparts, and take a seat at the forefront of envisioning a new model of climate change communication.


"Climate Change Could Cripple New York’s Transportation"

"When arriving at La Guardia Airport in New York, it’s easy to see the stark realities it faces in trying to cope with global warming. As jets glide in over the brackish waters of Flushing Bay, one can almost reach out and touch the water as it laps against the small levees at runway’s edge."

Source: Climate Central, 04/11/2012


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